Saturday 15 June 2013

Ellie's Island

Finally The Event Already Arrived o-o

  Item Carts
     Limited Item Cart At DownTown And Uptown ,  NonMembers, Want Anythings In The Items
         Cart U Can Using Ecoins
Buy An Explorer Costume To Play ' A Piece Of Fantage ' Scavenger Hunt Game!

Beach Wear Item Can Be Find At Top Models ' Inc Or At The New Island . Wearing A Beach Wear To
Get A Bonus Point!
U Can Also Buy a Turbo Tubular Board At The Island, To Get Double Jump At Game Called ' Turbo Tubular :3
The New Island.
     Now u Can Click The Island c; Because U Guys So excited

New game, called Totally Tubular. Not going to explain, because it’s very simple and not that great of a game, especially if you have a Lag computer.

 A Piece of Fantage Scavenger Hunt  
  Find All The Pieces To Get A Prize From Ellie.
    If Ur A Nonmembers, U Can Buy Deluxe Costumes Using Ecoins c;
Here All The Location.

Pet Town ( Inside Pet Shop )

Carnival ( Right Rocket Board)

Lighthouse (Outside)

Inside Zack's Teather ( Left On Stage)

Mt. Fantage (left of cave)

 Wizard’s Domain (inside Orion’s Rare Finds, far right)


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