Tuesday 4 June 2013

Mio Aka emily74374 is hack!

Hi its me Yeah, emily is scam n hack So yeah , 
Here Of Proof of my cousin talk too her
 i dont scared at all mio , i tell u my old acc to check the hexed wand , i dont say u would take wtf r u cunt? Mio If i done write this , i give u guys hack her kay?
i might change my password to high pass cuz my password is easy
mY Pass is : Password LOL
Here More Of Proof
omg did u see that ? does ashley said take the wand? scroll up
did ashley said take the wand? No!
Hey Bitch cunt mio, why i lying too u? its true fucking cunt.
Here Her Information
User : Emily74374
Pass : girraffe06

bYE already change mypass c:


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